Saturday, April 5, 2008


I promised a night time post. I went shopping today for a bridal shower gift. I forgot to look at the "expensive" registry to find it at the discount store. So I saw a post on some one's blog for this idea.

It's a storage jar with a chalk board area for writing. I would show you. But I didn't read the directions. The paint is supposed to dry for 24 hrs. :o So what am I to do? I'm going to fake it and hope it's dry in about 16 hrs, finish the process in the morning, and send it off to the bridal shower with my mother. Hope it works.

I was going with her. However, we are supposed to have a rodeo tomorrow for Jimmy. But it's also supposed to rain tomorrow. So I'm really not sure that it will happen.

I'll try to post some pictures. Really it's cute when he rides his sheep. I'll explain it all tomorrow. I'll also post some pictures of the "finished" bridal gift.

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